If your dog could talk, it would tell you…

If your dog could talk, it would tell you...

If your dog could talk, it would tell you...

Author: Marcos Mendoza


Do you ever look at your dog and ask yourself: “If my dog could talk, what would he tell me?” I have dealt with the topic and I may have the answer to that question for all the dog lovers out there. Your dearest pets would probably say sentences like this to you:

1 - My life will probably only last no more than 14 years. You will hurt me more than you can imagine if you will be away for some time longer than a day or two.

2 - If you are patient with me and give me time to learn what you want from me, I can promise you that I will never disappoint you.

3 - Trust me and have faith in our future together. My sense of myself is dependent on your trust in me. If I can't feel that you believe in me, I will suffer great emotional stress.

4 - Do not be angry with me for a long time or confine me to a cage to punish me. Your dog loves you, no matter whatYou have your friends, your work, and your recreations. I ONLY HAVE YOU!

5 - Talk to me about anything as often as possible. Even if I don't understand your exact words, I can understand the meaning of what you say to me from the tone of your voice.

6 - Remember that no matter how you treat me, I will NEVER forget you.

7 - When you consider raising your hand to hit me, remember that I have teeth that could break the bones of your hand, but I choose not to bite you.

8-Before yelling at me because I can't respond to your orders like I usually do, take the time to think about what may be happening to me that makes me treat you differently.

9 - Take care of me and be patient with me when I am old. Someday you'll grow old like me, and you'll know what it feels like.

10 - Accompany me in the good and the bad. Stay with me when the vet has to do cures or surgeries. By your side, everything in my life is more manageable, and nothing can make me feel bad. Remember that my love is unconditional and lasts for life.

Do you need help? If you are struggling with your dog´s education, you can find support at my website. Dog lovers stick together!

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